Layout map

Following on from my earlier understanding of the restrictions that I would need to put in place when designing the environment, I designed a top down layout map. My goal was to mark out a more precise location for each of the main buildings and structures that will be in the final product, by doing this I could design them with a far better understanding of the negative spaces and amount of detail that I would need to include. In the layout map I used different colours to indicateĀ the different heights of the structures, doing this helped me as it served as a reminder of the different scales that I would need to include when designing the environment.

As much as I am not happy with the end result, as it doesn’t provide any indication of scale or a measurement of distance/size, it like many elements of this product is a victim of the time constraints and my own skill level. As the map is arguably fit for purpose, I have decided to move on, and will revisit it at a latter point, if time permits.

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